Day 3 - Define your origin story

Talking about ourselves is not as easy as it looks. We want to promote how great we are, but we don't want to overdo it and cause people to think we're arrogant or self-absorbed. We want to build trust, not gloat about our accomplishments.

In today's challenge, we are talking about how our backstory relates to who we are today and why that makes us special.

Think about Superman. This dude never made any money saving the world. He had amazing skills, but never self-promoted. He didn't wallow in self-pity, but we all knew his backstory. Not only that, we knew why his backstory made him special. Sure he might be fictional, but others have started from humble beginnings and created brands that we know and love. Apple was built from the ground up in a garage. Starbucks opened a humble coffee shop in the Pike's Place neighbourhood and spread around the world one cozy couch and pumpkin-spiced, cinnamon-infused latte in a Christmas cup at a time.

Never underestimate the power of a good story.

What's your story?

Tomorrow we are going to talk about your brand page, but today we are just going to spill everything out there and see what comes out. This process could be cathartic, surprising, transformative or just another ho-hum thing on your to-do list. Just get it all out there. If a question doesn't apply to you, skip it, but don't skip it just because it's hard. Answer as many questions as you can. If you skipped a question, go back to it afterwards. You may have an answer.

The questionnaire below is divided into two parts. Just the Facts is the bare bones that you should include in your "About" page. The Real Deal is the parts that set you apart and make you special.

Tomorrow, we'll pull it all together into an about page that inspires, tells people exactly who you are, and brings people closer to your company.

This part is a preliminary exercise for your about page, but don't forget that being able to talk about yourself and your philosophy will make it easier to promote yourself in any phase of business life, including paid advertising and networking.

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